Effective February 12, 2024
Due to the increase in the rate for first-class postage, the cost for Public Hearing Notification and Publication will be increased by $0.10.
The new cost will be $0.90/mailing label.
Planning - The Planning Division is responsible for the implementation of the City's General Plan and Development Code. This division is also responsible for managing all Land Use Entitlements in accordance with the Subdivision Act, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and Planning, Zoning and Development Laws. The Planning Division services residents and developers within the city by managing land use entitlement for propose residential, commercial and industrial projects. Staff also provides support to the Planning Commission and Development/Environmental Review Committee.

General Plan
Interactive Zoning Map
Development Projects
Development / Environmental Review Committee Agendas (DERC)
Planning Commission Agendas (PC)
Downtown Advisory Committee Agendas (DTAC)
General Plan Advisory Committee Agendas (GPAC)
Director Memos
Crime-Free Housing
Density Bonus
Emergency Shelters